Saturday, January 21, 2023

Oh my God We’re Back Again.

Like there has been no break- I know everyone has been waiting for another entry like fans of Game of Thrones fans are waiting for the next book release (very timely reference). 


Sent to my brother, but instead of the author being praised- - coworker sent this to him and said 'Don't be dumb with your health.' 


 Having kids makes reading books so fun and love making books into raps but this guy is at another level. Didn't grow up with Fox in Socks- but he has songs for quite a few Dr Seuss classics. 

 Love Stromae and saw him in concert in 2015. Want to see him again as despite not understanding any of the words, the song just bangs. Makes me want to dance. 

Stay tuned for more daily blogs on articles, videos and songs to check out!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The last entry!

As much as I have enjoyed writing this blog, due to the circumstance of being without internet, I am taking an extended break from writing The Daily Three. Without the internet available in my apartment, I would have to write the blog at work, and don’t have time while running around at LaSalle Bank.

I will keep the site online, and I recommend you visit my links on the right side. So here is my last, tear, Daily Three entry. Thank you for your comments and encouragement during the short time I shared my favorite videos, articles and songs.

Video: The Office. I started with a clip from the Office on the first post, and will end with one as well. Can’t get enough of this show, and can’t wait for next year to start!

Article: What’s So Great About America

Dinesh D’Souza has recently become more radical with some of his new ideas, but this article highlights many of the points he makes in one of my favorite books, What’s So Great About America. The article and book both make a lot of great points. My favorite idea is that in America, your life is like a blank page, and you write your own script.

Later in the book, he discusses why the U.S. is the greatest, freest and most decent society in existence. This message is in stark contrast to Howard Zinn’s book, A People’s History of the United States of America, which views America throughout history as an ugly, evil and repressive nation. It is sad that Zinn is often required reading for high school students, while D’Souza’s book, which promotes our nation as great, is largely ignored. Here is a recent article by Zinn who suggests to put away the flag, as if we should be ashamed to be American citizens. I think the great things Americans have done are not remembered enough by Zinn, and I for one am a proud American. It is easy to forget in the 20th century alone, America has twice saved the world. First from the Nazi threat and then Soviet totalitarianism. What would have been the world’s fate if America had not existed? It is easy to forget America’s strength has put an end to much suffering and liberated millions of people.

Song: Bring Him Home, Les Miserables

This performance is from the 10th Anniversary in London and performed by Colm Wilkinson, some say the best Valjean ever. Les Miserables is my favorite musical of all time, as the story is incredible, and the more you listen to the songs, the more you love them. A great musical about redemption and a must see, the revival is in NYC right now!

Here is another clip from the 10th Anniversary, which gives me chills, all of the Valjean’s from around the world, sing, "Do You Hear the People Sing?" .

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sorry Computer Crashed... I'm Back

For anyone that checks regularly, I apologize, but I ran into a bit of bad luck the last week.

Just following when my free wireless internet was no longer available at my apartment, my hard drive completely crashed... and I lost all of my applications, songs, movies and photos... I just got my "fixed" computer back today... and I have found creative ways to get my music and most of my photos back.

Much of this experience has turned me off to getting the new iPhone, as I think Apple has always been good at delivering quality, because they always sold so few machines. But now that everyone has an iPod and Apple laptops are increasingly popular, I feel much of the quality has gone to the wayside in the name of innovation. The shareholders of Apple expect new products to come out every month or two... which is tremendous pressure for Apple, and I think this pressure causes some products to come out a bit too early. While I still love Apple, my love is more subdued and I know longer will be impractical when it comes to hyping Apple, enough people in the cult already do that. Enough of a ramble on my lack of a computer...the Daily Three.

Video: Mac or PC... Somewhat funny video which shows the stereotypical Mac and PC user, according to Apple... but a little too much dancing for me.

Article: Scoring the War

A friend's blog post recently made a lot of the points this article made. In the reporting of this war the media claims they are "supporting the troops" but emphasizing every death and paying tribute to the lost soliders, usaully leading most days in the Nightly News. I would contend even most soliders would not want the statistics on the number of soldiers lost emphasized but rather the mission and what is at stake in the war against terrorism.

Song; Sunglasses at Night, Corey Hart

The recent success of leadoff hitter Corey Hart on the Brewers has inspired me to listen some more of the 80's rocker Corey Hart. This classic gives me shivers everytime.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

World of Warcraft

Video: South Park, World of Warcraft

This is one of my favorite South Park episodes of all time. I watched a mini-marathon last night, and can't believe how incredible this show is. The first three seasons of South Park were horrible and simply not funny, where Kenny dying was supposed to be funny. The writers were smart and began writing the shows to mock many of our current politicians (Hillary Clinton in a 24 parody), celebrities (Paris Hilton and Tom Cruise/scientology episodes) and current events (Terry Schiavo). I think that TV in the 80s will be remembered for Cheers/Cosby Show the 90s Friends/Seinfeld and the 00s as South Park/ The Sopranos (maybe not anymore after the finale).

Article: Jobs to Play Video Games

Incredible that there is a market for this... but these guys work full time, playing video games, specifically World of Warcraft, where they are then sold on a secondary market for real money. Granted the gamers themselves only make 30 cents an hour, but the person that packages these and sells the gold is a genius.

Song: The Luckiest, Ben Folds

Touching song... gotta love it.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Remember Me, Lawsuits, and the BEST SONG EVER

Video: Xistris family showed this to me awhile back and is very powerful. Try to get through without crying, I dare you.

Article: The Lawsuit of the Traveling Pants!

America, maybe isn't the land of opportunity but the land of frivolous lawsuits. I have been following this story for awhile, and while seemingly a joke to me when I first read the story, it now has become sad as the Chungs may have to leave the land of opportunity because of the legal costs. It is a shame hard workers may have to return to Korea even after they offered Mr. Pearson approximately $12,000, over 10x the value of the lost suit. As the Wicked Witch would say "What a world, what a world."

Song: Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, Ryuichi Sakamoto

Matt Manning introduced me to one of my new favorite songs a few months back... which at first I didn't really like until the 2:45 mark... and at that point, the entire song changed for me. It contrasted greatly the beginning piano with staccato strings... I now listen to this song every night before I go to bed...

The 2:45 mark has meant so many things for me, and the way I interpret it changes every time. Sometimes I think it represents a great and exciting moment in life, while the beginning is of life was just boring... or the reverse, things are going smoothly in life, when all the sudden something dramatic/traumatic occurs. I love it because there are no words, yet it may be easier to find meaning or message in this song than most songs packed with words.

I highly highly recommend you download this!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Cutie, Border, and Big Girls

Video: Little Singer... one of the most popular videos on Youtube recently... so you may have already seen it... but truly touching... even for Simon!

Article: Strong Borders

Love Charles Krauthammer... and this article makes sense... why is it that politicians always try to bundle 50 things into a bill? It forces a compromise for issues, but if the bill is rejected why can't they take the parts everyone agrees on and pass those aspects. I think it is because many politicians in this case are not serious about keeping out illegal immigrants, it is just lip service. The fact is, many of these people entering illegally, if granted status will be a huge block of Democratic voters. In 2000 65% of Latino votes went to Gore vs 32% for Bush... if the trends continue amnesty would greatly benefit Democrats. Additionally keeping border security relatively loose would be a benefit for Democrats.

Song: Big Girl, Mika

Listened to this on the plane ride home from Ireland... actually when stuck in Chicago runway waiting for our plane to reach the terminal... and jammed out to it! Big Girls, You are Beautiful... I love it... Sounds like the modern version of Queen's Fat Bottomed Girls.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I'm Back

Ireland was incredible and I am back to my daily three.

Movie: Alzheimers... While the disease is tragic, the Onion always finds a way to make me laugh about things that most people don't joke about.

Study: Alzheimers Patients Say They Do Not Have Alzheimers

Article: Ireland

A little older and longer, but mentions much about the rise of Ireland's economy in recent years. Talking to many in Ireland, it seemed 20 years ago you could have bought all the real estate in Ireland for almost nothing, now it's hard to find a liveable place under $500,000.

Song: Oye Mi Amor, Mana

You were probably expecting an Irish tune... but I am waiting for some of the songs to sink in. Mana is one of my favorite bands in the world... and they are touring this summer... coming to Chicago in October... maybe you will see me there! Check out their music video here. Not the best sound quality... but gives you a preview if you want to buy it.

Friday, June 1, 2007

13 Day Break!

Sorry readers, but I will be in Ireland for the next 13 days... so you daily checkers can wait a few weeks (expect a June 14th blog)... I would check out some of the blogs on my sidebar if you have nothing to do, or go work out!

Video: Cancel the account! This audio plays the whole thing... but I can't believe how annoying customer service is, they make it so hard to cancel anything... I don't know anyone who still has AOL (except my dad), but if you are thinking about starting AOL service for some crazy reason, this should put an end to that thought immediately.

Article: Blair's Lessons

Great to hear his perspective on his 10 years as Prime Minister... and it is amazing how many of the issues facing the U.K. are the exact same ones facing the U.S.

Song: YATTA!

I must warn everyone that this is quite odd... but it is addicting... and is unfortunately one of my favorite songs... they don't sell it on iTunes... so hear is the YouTube clip...there is a lot of info on these guys if you want to check em out... here is a little article with great links

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Stand-Up, Microsoft and Crooked Teeth

Video: Stand Up At Pre-School... probably the best movie I’ve seen in awhile... my side hurt I was laughing so hard... My favorite line is "Preschool is Nuts, isn't it, isn't preschool crazy" the line just got me laughing so hard I couldn't stop...

Article: New Computer Revolution?

Remember in Minority Report when Tom Cruise controlled the computer with his hands... it looks like Microsoft has found a way to make this a reality... check out the video and be amazed... I have a love for Apple products, but this one could be more revolutionary than the iPod and really change computing...

Song: Crooked Teeth, Death Cab For Cutie

The video I bought for $1.99 was well worth it, even though I now know how to download YouTube videos to my iPod... here is the Youtube clip if you don't want to pay!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Queen, China and Pearl Jam

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend... this will be a short week for the blog, as I am heading to Ireland on Friday for 13 days! Let me know if you have ever been to Ireland if you have any suggestions!

Video: A lil Queen... I can't get enough of this guy... he has many clips on YouTube and even takes requests... talk about finding an odd talent.

Article: China buying China.

American companies thinking they have such a large Chinese population to sell to may find that the Chinese would prefer to buy products that are Chinese. While I enjoyed drinking a hot chocolate from Starbucks in the Forbidden City... it seemed kind of wrong to have this representation of American culture inside a Chinese monument, and I was an pro-business American. Expect a backlash not only at this one Starbucks store, but foreign companies in general.. much like the Boxer Rebellion in 1901, where the Chinese revolted against all things foreign in a violent manner. I would expect today for more of a united boycott against foreign products. While I was in China the students had mass protests and a boycott of all things Japanese after history books glossed over the horrible things done during the Japanese occupation. If there is any tension between the U.S. and China, especially a sign of American disrespect for Chinese culture, I think that could be a spark to create American boycotts in China.

The article mentions the Chinese car industry, which reminded me of what a teacher once told me, "Don't be surprised if you are buying Chinese cars in 20 years"... and the way the American car companies are headed, I wouldn't be surprised if it were sooner, especially if they start making money in China, they will have the capital to come to American and kill the Big 3 on price...maybe not quality.

Song: Last Kiss, Pearl Jam

A sad song which Pearl Jam covered the original J. Frank Wilson song, while both are good, I prefer Pearl Jam's. The emotion felt in the song makes you think that Vedder's girlfriend was the one who died. This live version is impressive...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Daily Six?

I missed my first day yesterday... but it was the best day of my life, and just didn't have time to do any blogging...but I will try to keep this The DAILY Three... and not just "the once in awhile" Three. To honor yesterday's missed... I will provide two songs, two article and two videos...

Video: Gang attack

Go to 5:48... amazing job by the water buffalo... I think that is the animal, or is it Wildebeest? I love this clip, it's like watching the Jets vs the Sharks on West Side Story.

Video 2: Lucky Guy... This is incredible that this occured... but knowing the curse of lottery winners... this guy is twice as cursed it would seem...

Article I: Rosie...I am sick of hearing what Rosie says on the View, and now that she is going off the air, I guess she will start calling American terrorists and continue to support theories that the government was responsible for the 9-11 attacks...

Article 2: Memorial Day... good reminder of Memorial Day...

Song 1: Try To Remember... good musical...and a great song... I went to a medely of songs last night, which featured performers all over 60 at the Chicago Theater... got me to listen to my Musical mix on iTunes... and this one came up as an old favorite.

Song 2: Song 2, Blur... I feel like riding a roller coaster when I hear this song.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Badgers, China, and Atmosphere

Video: My favorite video to watch before the Marquette/Wisconsin basketball game every year. This is a priceless scene from an underrated movie, UHF. I love how many people know this obscure line from obscure movie... where Kramer (Michael Richards) had his first notable movie role, by the way Problem Child was his next movie in 1990 (thanks IMDB)

Article: Revalued Yuan Good Is for U.S. ... NOT!

I am surprised more politicians in the United States don't realize all the benefits we are getting from China's cheap currency, I guess it is easier to blame others than thank them. Most of the products we buy on a daily basis are much cheaper than if the yuan floated freely... imagine walking into Best Buy and everything cost 25% more, don't you think that would effect the American economy in a negative way. Since China creates so many of our products for so little, the American consumer is able to live a better life.

The pegged yuan is not hurting employment in America, as evidenced by the 4.5% unemployment... if unemployment goes to 6% we will certainly here plenty of people complaining about jobs and blame the Chinese, but incorrectly. Our economies are quite different, manufacturing in China vs a service economy in the U.S. That is changing as more Chinese passed the CFA this last year than Americans... but the Chinese economy is still dominated by manufacturing.

Our interest rates have also been very low thanks to the Chinese buying all of our Treasury Bonds... if they didn't, we would be paying 1-3% more on mortgage payments every year...along with every business paying 1-3% more on every loan they take, which would be passed to the consumer...

In summary, I think the Chinese should let the yuan float but for their own reasons... and maybe have a target for 7 years, where year by year slowly let it reach its true value, so not to crash their tender economy, until that time, Americans are benefiting tremendously from cheap goods and should be thankful. Some of these points are debatable, but no matter how you look at it, both nations have tremendously dependant on each other... I suggest picking up this week's Economist... there were so many articles that interested me that were not free... a lot on banking and China... may not interest everyone.. but I love it.

Song: Guns and Cigarettes, Atmosphere

A great song by a great group...behind 2Pac probably my favorite hip/hop group.. I like listening to this song when I am making dinner...This video made me laugh because the guy tried to be hard when lip synching the song, and it just rubbed me the wrong way... but I suggest closing your eyes if you want to hear the song and actually enjoy it...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Food Fight, Carter and Oh! Darling

Video: Food Fight. Almost everyday I run across a video of a Japanese game show or prank, and immediatley pass it on to my friend teaching English in Japan, Jon Shaffer... you can check out his life in Japan here... it's very entertaining...anyway, instead of just sending them to him, I might as well share some with everyone else... I love the slow motion with the guys in black clothing, very creative... check out a similiar video called Matrix Ping Pong.

Article: Jimmy Carter

This is nothing new, hearing Carter lash out at Bush and the United States... but reflecting on how he does it is extreme. Clinton atleast discusses widely shared opinions on the Bush presidency in a civil manner... but Carter speaks as if he was an enemy of the United States... and it as the article says, it's not like Carter had even a decent presidency, one of the worst... one reason he was elected was how smart everyone thought he was, although he wasn't smart enough to understand basic economics... sometimes the "experts" aren't the people we want in charge, especially if they think they are so smart they don't need to listen to those around them.

Song: Oh! Darling , Bela Fleck and the Fleckstones

One of my favorite songs from a couple of summers ago... love the part at 4:50 where he holds his note for quite some time. A great Beatles song, but I enjoy this one more. I love that is is Live and hearing the crowd getting into it.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Showers, Steve Rushin and Lux Aeterna

Video: Blood Prank... putting red dye in the shower stream really scares people... it would scare me too... my favorite is the guy who just passes out cold.

Article: Alma Mater, Steve Rushin

After giving a great speech, almost as good as Conor Sweeney's, bloggers are talking about both Rushin's and Conor's speech. I looked into Sports Illustrated's archive to get some of more of Rushin's thoughts, he has plenty of great articles,..but as a Marquette graduate, I enjoyed this article the most... he was able for the first time to write about Marquette, right after the Final Four appearance in 2003. I still have the actual Sports Illustrated with Wade on the cover and it brought back great memories of my freshman year.

Song: Lux Aeterna, Requiem for a Dream Soundtrack

This song is part of a great soundtrack, where a lot of the songs sound the same, and it adds to the film. These instrumentals you may recognize from Lil John's "Throw It Up", which they play before Marquette Basketball home games... but it is very powerful. The movie will make you never want to do drugs... but I can't say I recommend it... here are the last 4 minutes of the movie, with the song in the background.